NFTRC Takes Part in Commemorating World Food Day 2018

  • NFTRC Takes Part in Commemorating World Food Day 2018

    NFTRC Takes Part in Commemorating World Food Day 2018

    NFTRC Takes Part in Commemorating World Food Day 2018

    National Food Technology Research Centre (NFTRC) recently exhibited its products at the World Food Day commemoration held at the Nkago Farm in Ditshoso lands near Lentsweletau on the 16th -17th October 2018.

    The commemoration was held under the theme: “Zero Hunger is Possible through Smart Agricultural Practices”. In his address, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) representative Dr Rene  Czudek  said World Food Day is commemorated every year around 16th October by over 130 countries worldwide.

    Dr Rene  Czudek  giving the keynote address

    He said one out of nine or 180 million people a day goes to bed hungry in the world, emphasising that the fight against hunger can be won only if countries work together.

    On his part the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security, Permanent Secretary Mr Jimmy Rule Opelo said food is an essential part of life as it gives energy and builds bodies. He said food starts from the field until it gets to the plate emphasising that in between there is processing that needs to be done in the safest way possible.

    MoA  Permanent Secretary, Mr Jimmy Rule Opelo

    Mr Opelo further said World Food Day accords Botswana with the opportunity to contribute to the World Development Goals by sharing ideas in regard to zero hunger, reducing post-harvest losses and to put ahead commercialisation of agriculture.

    Some of those who attended the commemoration visited the NFTRC stall to learn more about its products and services. They were fascinated by dried ting and sorghum flour, which they saw as great business ideas.




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